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Management policy

Safety and health management policy

HADO FNC Co., Ltd. has selected human-respecting safety and health activities as the top management priority, and established the following safety and health management policy to realize Hado FNC Co., Ltd. without disasters through continuous prevention activities and active participation in each task. Operate.



1. Make safety and health management the top management priority.

2. To improve safety and health, all organization members actively participate in preventable safety and health activities and conduct continuous education, guidance and inspection.

3. Clearly understand and strictly comply with safety and health-related laws and regulations.

4. In order to create a safe and healthy workplace atmosphere, we will do our best for the joint development of Hado FNC Co., Ltd. with active support from management and participation of organization members.

Quality Management Policy

Company motto

현대 빌딩

Emphasis on technology, ability, future creation

Management philosophy

재무 보고서

Transparent company
A company that adheres to principles and thinks about the environment

Management policy

남성 스피커

Becoming a global company through continuous improvement in communication and cooperation
ESG sustainability implementation practice

Quality Policy

Implementation of advanced quality
Realizing customer satisfaction

Quality Goals

Customer CLAIM: Zero Defects
Process defect rate: less than 500PPM
Quality education rate: 100% achieved

Information security management policy

HADO FNC Co., Ltd. recognizes information security as an essential element of corporate management and practices it in accordance with the following principles to maintain business continuity and build internal and external trust.


1. All personnel handling company information are responsible for complying with security policies and standards and actively protecting information.
2. Promote the establishment of a sound security culture through security education, inspection, and communication.
3. Maintain appropriate investment and reasonable control levels for security.
4. Faithfully fulfill legal and contractual security requirements.
5. Cooperate with partner companies and continuously improve the security system so that the entire supply chain can maintain the same level of security.

HADO FNC Co., Ltd. | CEO: Jong-eun Ha | Business Number: 127-81-85415  | Personal information manager: Jae-min Ban(

Address: 253, Yugyo-ro, Gunnae-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea |  TEL: +82-31-536-6368  |  FAX:+82-31-536-6377 

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